Here are some untold stories behind the news in the global economic arena.
President Wilson perhaps created the greatest "spin" control of the news ever and used the power of his office to enforce it. It led the U.S. into two world wars. President Clinton and President Bush both spun the news too but appear to be amateurs compared to Wilson. The biggest problem came when he tried to turn it off but the spin was so powerful he could not. This open the door to the second world war.
When the first world war started, there was also talk of a new world order. Wilson put George Creel, a journalist, in charge of the Committee of Public Information. All news was funneled through this committee which included the secretaries of state, war and navy. Its purpose was to sell the war to the people initially and maintain and create the right attitudes.
Wilson hid the infractions of the British Empire and exposed as much as he could regarding the German infractions. His committee scattered literally millions of books and booklets around the world about the Germans being savage "Huns".
Wilsonism even reached a small town in Italy where the likeness of Wilson could be found next to a favorite patron saint. From various government departments through the committee poured out mounds of information favorable to Wilson's causes. Newspapers "cooperated" with the committee both in withholding material and publishing only approved stories.
The committee printed seventy-five million books and booklets which were circulated in the USA alone with additional millions sent out throughout the world.
The those days, there were no radios or TV and so the committee enlisted the services of 75,000 "volunteer speakers" known as the "Four Minute Men". They appeared on stages and in motion picture houses in more than 5,000 different communities and they delivered a total of 75,170 speeches to an estimated audience, all told, of 300 million people. Only the blind and the deaf could escape the full extent of this propaganda spin. The cost of all this came from the government and other sources but the real cost was not in money but in the enforced sacrifice of independent judgment and intellectual integrity which is obviously reaching into our times as noted in the impeachment exercises of President Clinton which hid so many terrible acts during his era.
Besides all the conspiracy theories during his time, it is obvious that Free Trade and Globalization did not evolve in any natural economic fashion. President Clinton also proclaimed prosperity while millions were losing their jobs and where someone like a single mother making only a 0 a month was considered employed. Surrounding the Clinton era, the U.S. went through the most massive dislocation of jobs in U.S. history and it was not reported. A new working poor class was created and later Hurricane Katrina exposed a vast underclass living in a silent depression across the USA. President Clinton also went into the Balkans to stop ethic cleansing and created the very same thing in reverse.
He reported a budget surplus but most of it was based on the Social Security trust fund which he also used to fund the Balkan wars. He excelled at spinning the news.
President Bush did not try to spin the news in any shrewd way, he just lied about the need for a pre-emptive attack on Iraq. What happened in the oval offices of our government was and is quickly brushed off the table with all kinds of new spins from the spin doctors of our times who reflect the characteristics or the "Four Minute Men" from World War 1.
President Bush used "branding" to cover his actions. The public watched the "shock and awe" attack and shocking news about torture. He branded the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" - 'WMDs" while the U.S.A is the largest supplier of weapons in the world. He was successful in having the American people look where he wanted them to look while the American Dream was stolen from them. Both President Clinton and President Bush did the same thing with our economy based on making money on money instead of making things now burning away. Already, we have hints about Obama who uses the words but ignores the core of our economic problems. As Federal Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress, the best way to use any stimulus money is to buy "domestically produced goods". Only local value added economies that grow internally from raw product up through several stages to the retail level and then recycles back down again to the raw product level work. Free Trade and Globalization have proved to be the biggest scams in a century.
Later, Wilson attacked all the negative responses to his spins. The Espionage Act allowed the Postmaster General to censure all mail - today they tap the phones. Later a much more stringent Sedition Act was passed which put an end to what little was left of freedom of the speech or of the press - The Patriot Act of our times did the same. The spins also prompted the gathering of many celebrities from stage and screen to promote the ways of Wilsonism while pushing U.S. Bonds which connected the prohibition of disloyal or scurrilous language which would bring disrepute to the government. Under all these measures some 2,000 men and women were sent to prison for terms up to twenty years. Only conformity to Wilsonism was permitted.
Does the all sound familiar. It is happening again our times and history will eventually reveal all the spins we are living with today. The most sophisticated one is the cover Globalist Free Traders have received for the past twenty years. However, now our economy that has been based on making money on money instead of making things is burning out. Under the cover of so called Free Trade, millions of American workers have been betrayed by their own government who led the way in moving production and factories outside the USA. Now we see a bail out of the financial communities while millions in our country have lost everything it took a lifetime to save and are ignored.
Wilson converted many into believing the stories of the "Huns" raping and pillaging innocent villages and towns. However, when the war was over, he wanted to spin the news in different direction but too many of our allies did everything they could to smash Germany and many called for making Germany just one big farm without any manufacturing capabilities. Wilson failed to change his spins to more objective roles and eventually lost his health and some say hit mind while our nation was left to function automatically for months without any real leadership.
Now we face a similar situation with our industrial might destroyed.
You can ponder all this while waiting at a railroad crossing watching all the large shipping containers go by full of imports. Many of the containers have a COSCO logo on them. They come from the giant Chinese shipping company - COSCO. COSCO is owned by the Chinese Liberation Army. We are being "liberated" by one import after another and this is no spin.
We not only have a money crisis but we also have a human nature crisis. (Google Tapsearch Flat World)